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Modern Slavery

Our supply chain include outsource of housekeeping services, some IT service provision, food and beverage contracts and other operational contracts. We ensure that employment practises are considered as part of the procurement process and include appropriate questions on ethical employment in tenders and assess the responses provided. We ensure that the way in which we work with our suppliers does not contribute to the use of illegal or unethical employment practices within the supply chain.
All our suppliers are expected to sign up to our supplier code of conduct which outlines our expectations in respect of modern slavery, human rights and ethical employment practises. We monitor the employment practices of our high-risk suppliers, making this a standard agenda item for all contract management meetings and reviews.

Our policies on human trafficking and slavery:
We are committed to ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in any part of our business or supply chain, including the use of our hotels as locations to facilitate or support human trafficking or modern slavery.
Our Modern Slavery policy reflects our commitment to implementing and enforcing effective processes and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in our business.
We have clear procedures in place to identify and assess potential risk areas which include inappropriate employment practices and use of our hotels to facilitate slavery or human trafficking. We regularly review risks through our Risk Committee and have a robust process in place to protect whistleblowers.

To ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chains we provide relevant training to our staff.